Generating and examining a library or password-protected library

How to create a library:

  1. Select the library configuration based on which you want to generate the library.

  2. Recommended for a Neuron Power Engineer library: Validate the library based on the library configuration.
    (info) Neuron recommends you to start this validation relating to the library for a Neuron Power Engineer library yourself because this validation is not automatically started in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer due to performance reasons. In contrast, the validation relating to the library is automatically started when a logi.SAFE or logi.WEB library is generated.

  3. For the generation and examination of the library (= for the automatic validation), select one of these possibilities:

    1. the command Generate Library within the context menu of the library configuration

    2. the command Generate within the context menu of the library to be generated (the library is visible as a sub-level of the expanded library configuration in the project explorer)

    3. the command Generate (Password Protected)... within the context menu of the library to be generated
      (info) Use this possibility to additionally deploy the sources of the library elements within a password-protected library. See "Deploying sources in a password-protected library" for the differences between the generation possibilities.

  4. Make sure that the library has been generated correctly:

    1. Check the messages within the Error Log view to make sure that the library has been generated.

    2. If the validation has been started by yourself or automatically: Check the messages within the Validate: object name view and make sure that no rule violations have been detected. If some are listed, fix these rule violations and validate/generate the library again.

    3. If the library generation report is generated in your variant of Neuron Power Engineer, you are able to use this report to make sure that the library has been generated with the correct library elements.

Observe the following: Older files for a library (with the same name and the same version) are automatically deleted. This deleting action is even done, if the new file could not be generated. Hence, Neuron recommends to change the version number within the library configuration before each generation of a library.


Good to know

(grey lightbulb) Neuron Power Engineer provides a tool for the automated building, deploying and verifying of the library.

Location of the library and of other files

Neuron Power Engineer generates:

  • the library within the sub-folder target of the project

  • the report for the validation examination within the same folder as the library configuration
    Details on the report: See under "Results of examination in Validate view".

  • the library generation report (in HTML as well as XML format) within the sub-folder target of the project – the name of this report is: library__version.buildreport.html and library__version.buildreport.xml
    This report contains information on the library, such as which library elements are included and what is their test coverage.  (info) The generation of this library is not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) By default, the folder target is not displayed in the project explorer. How to display the folder target in the project explorer: Click  in toolbar of the project explorer and select Filters and Customization... In the dialog, uncheck target folder (under Filter) and click OK.  

(grey lightbulb)If you want to verify whether a library has been changed since its generation, there is a possibility to use a command line interface based on files that are additionally generated for the library. Contact Neuron, if you would like to have more information on this possibility.

Contents of the library

The content is generated according to the specifications of the library configuration. The library configuration itself is also copied into the library.
Mind that Neuron Power Engineer might generate files with file extension .iecst (instead of the files with the original file extension, such as .iecfbd), if the value INTERFACE or OBJECT has been specified for the keyword DEPLOY concerning the respective POU (e.g the FBD-POU). More information on this change and the other contents of the library (e.g. the automatically created folders) can be found in one of the following articles:

Troubleshooting: Analysing problems when creating a logi.SAFE and logi.WEB library

If you are using faulty →vendor blocks within a logi.SAFE or logi.WEB library, the creation of the library fails. Usually, the file compile_result.txt contains appropriate error messages assisting you in analyzing the error.
(info) By default, the file compile_result.txt is not displayed within the project explorer.  See "Cannot build or load application" how to display the file within Neuron Power Engineer.

However, if the file compile_result.txt does not contain a meaningful message, best practice is to activate the "development mode" when creating the library:

  1. Exit Neuron Power Engineer.

  2. Go to the folder where you installed Neuron Power Engineer.

  3. Locate the file NeuronPowerEngineer.ini and open it in a text editor.

  4. At the end of the file, enter -Dlc3.logisafe.devmod and enter the value true.

  5. Example
  6. Save the file.

  7. Start Neuron Power Engineer.

  8. Create the logi.SAFE or logi.WEB library anew.
    (warning) This library is not suited for usage because the following, required Pil-tests will fail for this library.

Now check the content of the file compile_result.txt for more more meaningful error messages and correct the vendor block accordingly.

After the error has been corrected, exist Neuron Power Engineer again, deactivate the "development mode" (by deleting the line with -Dlc3.logisafe.devmod from the file) and create the logi.SAFE or logi.WEB library anew.